Yeah, long absence, I know. I've been ill for the last few days. First it was a stuffy nose, then runny nose. Then my throat was sore. I was achy. My throat got worse. I've lost my voice. But all in all, I feel a whole heck of a lot better. Still not one hundred percent, but better.
In the Good News department, I've half way got a new Louet Victoria. I went to the Spinner's Flock meeting yesterday, and I convinced my mom to buy it for me. She didn't have her checkbook, so we're mailing a payment tomorrow. I have to pay for half, but I don't care. Especially because I'm getting it for almost one hundred dollars cheaper.
In the Bad News department, a very well known and very loved senior was killed in a car accident last Wednesday. Jeri Holt was on her way to school and the country roads were slippery. She was turning a corner at the same time as an empty school bus was going the opposite way. Her car somehow slid into the other lane and clipped the bus. She was pronounced dead on scene. One of the worst parts was that her mom happened upon the crash on her way to work and her dad is on the police force and he was a first responder to the accident.
Now, I didn't know Jeri very well, but she was in my math class and she was a very nice person every time I had the chance to talk to her.
I'm starting to think that something bad will continue to happen to people on the seventh day of every few months to people in my math class. A classmate's father died in a plane crash on December 7 last year.
I just want to let everyone know that I have not abandoned my blog, I've just had some more important things to deal with recently. And for the longest time, I couldn't knit. It was a horrible time.